everyday life, hello monday

hello monday {and 2012}

hello NOT yesterday’s 365. I know you really wanted to be and made me post you, but understand that just because I took you yesterday and posted you up online yesterday, it does NOT make you a 365.

It’s hard for us both.

We’ll get over it.


We had a wonderful weekend which felt like it went so fast, but actually spanned several years. Way back in 2011, we took peaceful walks and snuck snacks for breakfast. Fast forward to today? A whole year later and a whole new me. 😉

Windy walk to the mailboxes.
hello mail! We wish that you were closer to our house or that the weather was warmer, but we’ll have to bundle up for a windy walk. It’s okay, you are totally worth it.

Tortilla Chips for Breakfast!
hello tortilla chips for breakfast. Marcus decided at 6am that you sounded yummy so over the stool went to the counter side and up he climbed to get you.

Taking down Christmas
hello fun times of Christmas undecorationing! It was lovely having you around, but so nice to have the extra space back in our home.

Go Go Kiddo
hello Go Go Kiddo. I thought we knew just about every fun iPhone app out there, but on my sister’s recommendation we bought you. I can’t believe we missed out on your funny jokes and games this long. Molly took this photo while driving down to IKEA today… Speaking of which…

Princess and the Pea
hello Princess and the Pea. The kids are so excited to get three new beds! They will be delivered next tuesday and hopefully in the meantime we’ll get the room painted and ready.

and finally…
New Do
hello new me! I’ve been contemplating getting my haircut for a while now and figured it couldn’t be a better time than now to do it.

Exciting things are coming!! We are all looking forward to this new year, how about you?

I’m linking up with Lisa Leonard today and her lovely hello monday link up.