making home

Main Bathroom Redo!

When we moved in a bit over a year ago, the bathroom looked like this. Lovely lighthouse wallpaper, shower door fun, and wonderful woody accents.

At the time, I thought, “No biggie. The wallpaper can come down, and the shower door can come down, and a bit of paint, and we’ll call it good.” Unfortunately, something else came down that we didn’t plan on… See that huge mirror? Yeah, turns out that not only was it not glued to the wall, but after Thomas took a shower one day and closed the door behind him, we all heard a large crash to the floor, the anchor screws literally just fell out of the wall. With it, it claimed the sinks, cracking one of them in half as it came tumbling down. 

Thom installed new sinks for us, and hung some new (securely fastened) mirrors, and we replaced the light fixture, removed the shower doors, (and swapped out the toilet seat for a lovely white painted wood seat), but that’s where the successful DIY updating ended. The wallpaper was not a cooperative coming down as the mirror had been. Upon diving into it, there was not one, but three layers of wallpaper and various paint jobs between each layer, causing the wall itself to just come crumbling after it in patches once I did get to the final layer, and if that wasn’t enough the tub spout started to drip. By the start of this week, that drip turned into a full on steady stream of HOT water, complete with heating up the shower handle in the process, making the whole thing not very kid friendly and needing to go. (Plus the wall behind it was caved in a bit too, so we were starting to worry about permanent water damage to the floor and walls). 

Time to call in a professional to help us out. <3 We interviewed three contractors and the one we chose was a clear winner for both Thom and I. Since starting this week, he has been so professional and neat that our instincts seem to have been proven correct. We couldn’t be any happier with how it’s all been progressing.

Since the main bathroom is out of commission, all the kids have been piled into our little master bath, but I think our system has worked out so far! It’s not something I’d want as a permanent setup, but we all are working together to get this done as smoothly as possible. 

Here’s a little taste of what we are going for in that space. I’m so excited to see it all finished, and will be back here next weekend to update you all on how it’s shaping up as well. For now, I leave you with this week’s progress. 

In just four short (okay long) days, here’s where we are at. All the fixtures and walls have come out, and new electric (including an new awesome shower light in the ceiling), also the plumbing is in, complete with a DEEP soaking tub that our amazing contractor figured out how to make the deeper and wider tub fit into our modest space. I cannot wait to use it!