elf, making home

It’s beginning to look a lot like Rudolph.

Elfie must have been feeling giddy last night because she decided to surprise the kids this morning with little gag gifts.
20121213-080053.jpgShe appeared to be wanting to pour all that water in the glass with the polar bear in it, so we helped her out with that. {we are currently awaiting it’s package boasted 600x growth}

20121213-080138.jpgMolly, of course, wanted to wear the crown Elfie brought, and the boys both wanted to try on the glowing Rudolph nose.

20121213-080123.jpgShe must have wanted in on all the giggles that were occurring while donning that nose, because she totally had to get her turn as well.

20121213-080253.jpgWho knew the dollar checkout line bins at Joann’s could bring about so much Christmas cheer?