everyday life, home free

Happy Valentine’s Day {aka: Valentine Unit Study, Part 2}

Valentine week continued with the kids awaking to a clothesline alphabet and silent-e matching.
Clothesline Alphabet

Changing words with the silent-e.

We did some probability and graphing of sweetheart candy colors.
Probability, sweetheart style

Sweetheart Graphing

We watched SpeekeeTV and the kids offered up manzanas, piñas and naranjas during their favorite Do you have apples? song.
¿Tienes naranjas?

Then kids did some spanish worksheets and practiced with valentine words using Read, Build, Write cards while I made a special valentine lunch, and then they made gigantic valentine cards for daddy.
iPhone pics from the day

They also honed our map reading skills, made snow, and had more fun with their valentine and not valentine trays and shelves.
Making "snow"

Tray fun.

Shelf fun.

Lately, here’s how the end of our school day looks:

Excuse me while I go and dance with them… Apparently, it’s party time.