home free

The Story of a Tree.

Last week as Molly and I were playing in the yard, she looked up at our trees and said, “Mommy, I wish that the trees still had leaves on them, they are so pretty with their leaves!” I explained to her that trees lose their leaves in autumn so that when winter comes they not only have a nice blanket from the fallen leaves to keep them warm, but also the snow would collect on their leaves and break their branches and hurt the tree. She nodded and agreed, but I figured it certainly wouldn’t hurt to do some paper cutting to illustrate the concept.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Fridays I’ll be talking about what we’ve been doing in our homeschooling adventures that week. Aptly named Home Free. 🙂

Introducing: The Story of a Tree.

First, you need soil. Then, of course, a seed.

Our story starts with soil and a seed.

Clouds come in. With the clouds come rain.

In comes clouds and rain, providing the seed with much needed water and draining the soil of its nutrients.

Plenty of sun. The seed sprouts!

Soon to follow is the sun which tells all the plants it’s time to grow! The seed sprouts.

Then grows in to a tree! The tree keeps growing with many leaves.

It grows strong and tall and sprouts many leaves.

If trees didn't lose their leaves, snow would gather on them and break their branches. Pretty Colors! So good think the leaves change colors.

If trees didn’t lose their leaves, snow would gather on them and break their branches. {Ha! I didn’t expect them to have so much fun breaking their trees!!} So instead, the leaves change colors in autumn before the snow comes.

And gently fall to the ground.

They gently fall to the ground, creating a nice warm bed to insulate the roots for the snow fall.

To protect the tree by creating a nice blanket. When snow comes it falls past the branches.

When the snow comes it passes safely past the tree’s branches and onto the ground.

Many days and nights pass. The sun comes out and the snow melts and the leaves decompose into soil. In comes the rain and the leaves sprout again.

{The kids came up with this part} Many days and nights pass and the winter is over, the sun and rains come again and leaves return to the strong tree once again. The end.


Then the kids made their own pictures:
Free time!!
Thomas created a spring picture.

"Me, Walking on the Sidewalk" - 365, 364
Molly’s “Me, Walking on the Sidewalk” – 365, 364 (My 364 of my 365! Eek!! Only one more left!!)

Marcus got in on our school time too!
Marcus even got in on the fun today.

Molly, Thomas, and Molly had a great time!

Then, I hung up their beautiful artwork on my refrigerator. Hooray for the weekend! We are home free. 🙂

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