7 thoughts on “The Not So Flat Wrap Unhidden!

  1. I spent a good hour trying to find a link to that pdf! Haha! Finally I looked at the source code for the frontpage and found it. I didn’t have a link for the instructions though…thanks so much!

  2. Oh Thank you Thank You! I have a few of your patterns and was hearing about the ‘not safe for work’ (ha ha) for a long time but couldn’t find it!!!!

  3. I ran across some old instructions of yours where you mention using two layers of fleece to make a cover out of these, but I don’t see any examples/photos of this as I browse around online. Is there any reason this wouldn’t work well? Would you need to do a double layer throughout, or do you think sewing in the add-on for the Sprightly Soaker might work? Sorry if these are crazy questions!

  4. Alexa:

    When making a cover with this pattern, you would use two full layers of fleece. They work great like this and I have used them with my daugther and know several mommas who have done this very thing successfully.

    The sprightly soaker add-on would not work with this pattern, as the sizing is different and doesn’t match up well on these 😉 But I would think something along those lines (but wider) would work fine.

  5. Hello !

    I live in France and I have a question about sizing…in your ( fabulous ) pattern the sizes are called ” preemie…infant…regular…but I don’t know what size it is…Which month size is it?

    Thank you for your help.

    Excuse my poor english!!

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