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Exploring biomes, literally.

I thought it would be fun for the kids to learn about biomes. It’s only February and we are well on our way to discovering them first hand.

In January we visited the Coniferous Forest of Crested Butte, CO and partook in the snowy fun of sledding.
Crested Butte Sledding Hill
Thom and Marcus

The kids {and Thom} had such a blast on this trip, that we thought why not explore another biome? So we packed up the car and headed to the desert. Joshua Tree National Park to be exact.
Hidden Valley Trail, Joshua Tree National Park

This time, I made up some nomenclature cards about desert life. {Which you can download in pdf form in 4 parts here: Part1, Part2, Part3, and Part4}
Desert Nomenclature
We brought them along with us on our hike of Hidden Valley Trail while the kids photographed them with their iPods.
Photographer Marcus

I brought along my camera too and managed to get a couple shots…
Rock Chilling, Molly Style

Rock Chilling, Thomas Style

…as did Thom.
Photo Op

The kids hiked the whole mile without a complaint and many a climbing opportunity detour.

It's high up here!

Rock Jumping

Molly even discovered where the fairies live in the desert, and happily showed me.
Secret garden

Fairies live in the desert too!

Well, that’s two down and so many more to explore… who knows where life will take us next? All I know is that this girl is up for the adventure.
Striking a pose.

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