
Knit Spin Around Dress

So, if you know me, you know I can never leave well enough alone. Which is why yesterday I thought, hmm I wonder if it would work as a knit and I could totally make sleeves to go with it for the cold weather months ahead. 🙂

Well, that should be easy, right? All I needed to do was cut the two back pieces on a fold where the first line is (totally thinking ahead when I made the pattern) before the part with the snaps in it. Knit part complete! Oh and here’s my sleeve pattern add on while I’m at it:

**** FOR KNITS****

Here’s some quick modifications, with kinda bad pics, sorry I used my iphone.

After you sew the shoulder seams, the neckhole should look like this:

Pin and sew!

Clip V’s or pink and turn right side out, topstitch.

Match center to seam of top, right sides together. Pin.

Sew/Serge together. Repeat for other sleeve. (see? I was ambitious, I even got out my serger this time!)

Looking like something!

Pin bottom of front piece and top of bottom piece right sides together, sew and then topstitch. Repeat for back and bottom.

Match up front to back along sleeves and down side seams. Pin together, sew down both sides. (Pretend I took a picture of this step.)

Fold up your sleeve hem. I did 1-1/4″ for Molly, I would probably do 1″ for a standard 2T. Topstitch up 😉 (I did 1″ from edge, 5/8″ for standard 2T)

Hem the bottom of the dress! I serged this time, then folded up 1″ and topstitched 5/8″ from bottom edge. (Feel free to do it like the original post as well.)

Done. On with your day then.

2 thoughts on “Knit Spin Around Dress

  1. I love that our brains work so similarly LOL! After making the woven one with sleeves yesterday I started pondering her winter wardrobe! I’m going to use knits, shorten to tunic length and pair with knit CMYP!! Yay for LCT!!

  2. Good afternoon. I made (4) dresses for my daughter using your incredible easy pattern. For someone with just a little bit of sewing knowledge and/or experience it was just the right pattern at the right time.

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