Cover Updating
So, I’ve been toying around with the idea of doing a bit of an update to my patterns and I finally got around to coming up with some ideas today. I thought I would share and maybe get some feedback on which you all prefer. You have to use your imagination a bit and pretend they are folded in half because what you are looking at is the front and back cover. {click on them to make them bigger}
Here’s option #1.
I’m liking it, but I’m thinking it’s… um, too simple?
…and option #2.
Now here you are going to have to go with me a bit. First, pretend that the colors match the photo on the front cover, and then secondly pretend that the photo is a well thought out, well taken, well lit, and well, a photo of a modeled little starter cloth diaper {and not the little one size diaper you see here}.
Sooo… what do you think? Am I on to something? Would you keep the product only photos that show off all the options on the cover page or would you go for a colorful modeling shot? Or would scrap it and go a completely different direction?